martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

A movie that I love and a movie that I hate

I love go to the cinema because is very fun but I like see films in house to with my family and my friends. My favourite movie is "The lord of the rings", because is a amazing story and have a fantastic images. Besides, present a magic world with incredible characters that they play a beautiful and important role in the film.
I saw the movie when I was in the school in Cinemark in Rancagua, I went with a group of my best friends and we went to all premieres of the trilogy. Are beautiful memories as it was many years ago.
I would recommend this film to people who have much imagination and that enjoy with the fiction cience. The film is very long, but the time pass very fast because is realy amazing. I have not read the books, but I would love to read it. 
My favourite characters are Aragorn and Legolas who are the prince of the men and a warrior elfo respectively. they are the reflex of the force and power that we were give this espectacular film.
On the other hand, one movie that I hate is "The Diary of Pasion", because is a movie too romantic for my taste. Every time I try to see the movie I get bored. 

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

First semester reflections

Well... This is my last post for English subject.

Though this semester was interrupted by the strikes, in general has been good. My only problema is English L jaja
Personally, I think that use the English in the blogs is a good way for practice, because each person speak about any interesting topic, is original and a good way for meet people and share experiences and different opinions about some topics, is funny... However, I think that English is a very difficult language to learn, because is necessary to have a good knowledge base, and in my case, it was not,  even though also requires study and personal dedication. Actually, my level of English is por and it worries me, because is a tool very important in the society at present, because open the doors for many opportunities to work.
Regarding this subject at the university, I think that the class hours are insufficient for the students who do not dominate the English. 
Finally, I only wish approve English :) !

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

A day all will always remember

Well... I remember many important moments, but one of the happiest was when Ignacia was born. She is my second cousin and is 7 years old. His mother is like one sister for me. She was 15 years old when Ignacia was born, so I and my whole family accompany her during the pregnancy. 
She is a very special person for me, for many reasons. She is a very happy person, always it makes me laugh and he invents funny stories. I love his madness. I think that we have a special connection. 
Since I started studying at university we do not meet so much, but whenever I travel to Rancagua we do a sleepover and lot of delicious things.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Green Life :)

Really I think that the people not have many care with the natural live in general, because we are one more time to make more damage to the world. I now, here in Chile the society dont help to care the environment and I think that is so bad , because the pollution is very very harmful for us and for all type life. Generally, in my house I not recycle, but always that I see containers for recycle I do. In my house only we separate the pieces of papers and the tin, because we give to some people this type of materials for sell and have money. The pieces of glass also to   separate because we carry near of house in a corner where there a big container for the bottles and glasses in general.
My school had containers for recycle, but there was not many information for the students about the recycle. I think that in all places should be there spaces for the recycle and help the environment, because is very very important for us. I think that should have programs in all institution about recycle and care to environment, in schools, universities, companys, etc... because is part of our education know about this topic more relevant for the society.
I love the plants and I care so much, the tree too. I always treat of maintain the litter in your place, and have all my surroundings very clean for contribute to care ours ennvironment :)

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

A perfect song...

Today I would like to talk about "Open my eyes" by SOJA (Soldiers of Jah Army). I love the reggae music because it makes me feel good, gives me peace and particularly this song makes me feel this way. It's melody fascinates me, the sound of every musical instrument... "Open my eyes".
I like this song, because is really passionate and very very sensitive, I make you reflect on the life and have more strength for face the reality and the problems. 

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

My future job

Hello classmates!
Today I'm going to write about my future job.
Well, I study Geography and it´s a career very interesting, that consist in discover the particularity or "Geography" of every territory. Also, gives us the means and the tools to intervene in the space.
One of the most special features of the Geography is that studies the social and physical aspects of the territories. 
For all these reasons, I think that my future job will be very entertaining. I imagine myself working with many people, sharing ideas to contribute in the spatial planning. 
I would like to work particularly with marginalized groups such as peasant, artisanal fishers and indigenous communities. I would like to work  in topics such as the environmental conflicts, integrated management of ecosystems and disaster management. I imagine myself working in some southern regions of Chile, like Magallanes. I think that I will know many beautiful places...
I really love Geography :) I don't imagine myself sitting at the computer all day... It will be very boring! 

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

My best holidays!

Hello classmates!

Today I' am going to write about my best holidays. I travelled to the Patagonia Argentina in the summer of 2014. I travelled together whit my parent, my sister, and his husband. It was a experience incredible, because the landscape seemed beautiful. It was surrounded of araucarias. Also the weather was fantastic for me, because I love the wind and the rain.

We were two days in San Martín de Los Andes and 5 days in Bariloche. In San Martín, we see a carnival very attractive. Paraded the "Gauchos", the doctors, disabled, hip hop dancer, etc.
In Bariloche we buy many clothes and ate very much grilled meat.

The most fascinating of this holiday was the nature and share with my family.

I like so much this picture, because I think that it´s a beautiful picture. Fascinates me the different green tonalities that appear in the picture. Also, I took it! :) 

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

There are many interesting countries I would like to meet, but the places that are more appealing to me are in others continents. One place I've always dreamed to visit is the African savannah, because I am a fan of animals and nature. Also, I would love to visit New Zealand, because it is a very beautiful country. It has amazing landscapes.
well, I like to travel a lot for the world, but so far I've only met two of our neighboring countries, Argentina and Peru. But soon I hope to raise a lot of money and make all travel to countries that would like to know. I like to travel alone or with a family member, or one of my best friends. It would be very special and unique for me... :)

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

My autobiography

My name is Bernardita Soto. I am 22 years old.
I am a student of Geography at the University of Chile.
I live in Santiago city, but I come from of Coya. It's a town, located in the skirt mountain of the Rancagua city.

My parent live in Coya, but I go to visit almost every weekend. My father is Patricio and my mother is Mirta. Also I have one sister. Her name is Patricia. In reality, I miss them all so much.

During my free time I like to ride a bicycle, and I go to Rancagua city every weekend to visit to my family and my friends. Also I like to travel and  know different places. Most of the time I travel with my sister. During the holidays we travelled to the Patagonia Argentina.