miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Green Life :)

Really I think that the people not have many care with the natural live in general, because we are one more time to make more damage to the world. I now, here in Chile the society dont help to care the environment and I think that is so bad , because the pollution is very very harmful for us and for all type life. Generally, in my house I not recycle, but always that I see containers for recycle I do. In my house only we separate the pieces of papers and the tin, because we give to some people this type of materials for sell and have money. The pieces of glass also to   separate because we carry near of house in a corner where there a big container for the bottles and glasses in general.
My school had containers for recycle, but there was not many information for the students about the recycle. I think that in all places should be there spaces for the recycle and help the environment, because is very very important for us. I think that should have programs in all institution about recycle and care to environment, in schools, universities, companys, etc... because is part of our education know about this topic more relevant for the society.
I love the plants and I care so much, the tree too. I always treat of maintain the litter in your place, and have all my surroundings very clean for contribute to care ours ennvironment :)

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